
EdgeRouterの最新ファームウェア v1.10の適用

EdgeRouterのβファームを扱うフォーラムでEdgeRouter v1.10.0のファームが公開されている。まだ、メインサイトでは公開されてはいない。

https://community.ubnt.com/ に登録して、ベータの参加表明をするとかたしかチェックボックスがあったかもしれない。いずれにせよAt Own Riskである。

また、EdgeRouter Xのストレージは今や狭小住宅なみに少ないので、古いイメージの削除をしてから入れないとファームのアップグレードができない。つまり、EdgeRouter Xは実行中のファームの他にもう一つのファームしか入れられないことに注意。





* [Ssh-recovery] -

This is a new service which starts during early boot stage and provides emergency SSH access via IPv6 link-local address. ssh-recovery can be used to access shell from a directly connected neighbor if a router is not accessible by normal means. By default ssh-recovery service is listening on port 60257 on all ethernet interfaces and it is automatically terminated 60 seconds after start. More information is available in this article.

* [FlowAccounting] -

Added flow-accounting via ipt-netflow which performs better (+25% max throughput) comparing to original pmacct netflow implementation. This ipt-netflow can be configured in CLI with set system flow-accounting-ipt ...

* [DHCP] -

Add static ARP support for DHCP-leased IPs with "set service dhcp-server static-arp"

Add global DHCP client options to configuration (set interfaces ethernet eth0 dhcp-options global-option xxx).

* [Firewall] -

add a contiguous option to firewall time extension "set firewall name xxx rule yyy time contiguous..."

*[System] -

coredumps will not be generated anymore unless explicitly enabled with "set system coredump enabled"

* [Ubnt-discover] -

Add CLI command to disable "ubnt-discovery" daemon, thus ER will stop responding to discovery messages on 10001 UDP port. (set service ubnt-discover-server disable). Discussed here

* [BGP] -

Add support for BGP extended community that allows setting 4-byte AS numbers (set policy route-map xxx rule 42 set extcommunity rt 1234567:3200). Discussed here.


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